The Delinquents
Two bank employees, Román and Morán, question their routines and their daily lives. One of them finds a solution: commit a crime. Somehow, he succeeds and extends his fate to his partner. This leads them to make a big change in their lives in the hope of a better existence.
Actor: Sergio Hernández, Franco de la Puente, Jonathan Da Rosa, Yessica Daina Gonzalez Capello, Lalo Rotaveria
Production: Wanka Cine, Rizoma Films, Jaque Content, Compañia Amateur, Sancho & Punta, Jirafa, Les Films Fauves, INCAA, Cine Argentino, Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, Jaque Content
Country: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Luxembourg